End-of-the-Year Unit Project

        To end NEW School with a final unit project, we have decided to use one or more of the past units to bring together our learning from the year and focus it on one problem that we wish to shed light to.

         In my case, I am focusing on one portion of the environmental unit, specifically the environmental effects of running electric cars off of a fossil-fuel-powered electrical grid. My focus will reside in why, where, and how the system is responsible for more greenhouse gases being released as a consequence of "going green" and using electrical than not. My initial research points to the use of coal to create the electricity used by the electric cars.

Image result for electric cars worse for environment
                                                                                   Image: "http://www.blogcdn.com/green.autoblog.com/media/2008/02/plugcoal3.jpg"

Surprisingly, what I found is that in 35 out of the 50 states, electric cars are worse than gas cars for the environment, Here's my website explaining why (caseyamclaughlin,wixsite,com/mysite).


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