Technology Notes and Resources
Pinterest 2.0
Pinterest is great for sharing media, and is more organized in categories
Can get inspiration
- for careers or hobbies
- keep their thoughts organized
- share idea with others
Twitter Basics
The "microblogger"
- Limit of 140 characters
- post content with media possible
- follow others
- use #hashtags
Important Features
- @username: you can use real name or made-up name
- block: allows all unwanted people to be blocked
- #hashtag: all words hashtags will be found
Creating a Profile
- add professional photo
- add a banner image
- first name and last initial or full name
- link to your passion blog
Blogging 101
About Page: What is it about?
Who are you?
Why did you choose this?
Sidebar: Encourages to subscribe
1 sentence about you
Links to social media if wanted
Title : 20-36 font
Black font only
Title should be 6-8 words
Focus on title referring not asserting what reader should do
Hyperbole/ Click-bait
Share resources and valuable info
Blog Content: 1st paragraph specifically first sentence hook
Pictures, Videos, and Infographics, in that order of popularity
300-500 Words
Use subtitles
Good conclusion wrap up
Designing A Strong Google Presentation:
- 10-15 slides including citation slide
- make certain slides assigned to certain people
- 30 point font
- shouldn't distract
- make sure everyone is staying in same font
- cite all media sources
- let media tell the story
- photos, graphs, charts, show don't tell
- avoid clip art, pictures with watermarks
- YOU need to be the expert
- YOU should already know what to say
- What are key components? What's important? Main takeaways?
- no complete sentences; words and phrases only
- less text is better
- spell correctly
- have good grammar
- have somebody edit it to make sure there are no errors
- make sure credit is given where it is due
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